Qantas Caterair
Coward Street, Mascot Value - $725,000 CLIENT: Qantas Lump sum tender project Industrial building used for aircraft food waste processing

AXXESS Business Park
87 Station Road, Seven Hills Value - $2,450,000 CLIENT: Ford Land Co. New development on a vacant block of land 4 large "high tech"...

Domayne Warehouse
54 Norwest Boulevarde, Norwest Business Park Value - $1,240,000 CLIENT: Cencorp Tendered design and construct project Extension to...

New Warehouse, Showroom & Office Dev't
16 Carter Street, Homebush Value - $3,700,000 CLIENT: CRI / Suttons Pty Ltd Lump sum tender project of a 2,800m2 clearspan warehouse,...

Lane Cove Business Centre
2-6 Chaplin Drive, Lane Cove Value - $8,000,000 CLIENT: Maincon Projects Pty Ltd Design and construct project 38 strata business suites...

Taren Point Industrial
43 Bay Road, Taren Point Value - $1,200,000 CLIENT: Maincon Holdings Pty Ltd Refurbish existing older style industrial complex to...